#299 Innovate, Communicate, Lead: Tami Reiss’s Guide to Product Management In Tech The CTO Show With Mehmet

Have you ever wondered what it takes to truly excel in the world of product management? Join us as we sit down with Tami Reiss, a product management maestro with over fifteen years in the trenches. Her journey from fundraising to coaching product leaders is a testament to the transformative power of relentless customer focus and astute problem-solving. In our latest episode, Tami unveils her pivotal three-question framework that every product manager should keep top of mind. We dissect the essence of product management, revealing the critical balance between tactical execution and strategic foresight that can make or break a product’s journey.

As the conversation intensifies, we tackle the nuanced dance of communication and conflict resolution within the halls of corporate power. Product managers, often caught in a web of varying stakeholder interests, must be adept at wielding influence with both grace and precision. Tami and I pull back the curtain on the soft skills that forge effective product leaders – from the crucial blend of confidence with humility to the artful practice of prioritization. We also share invaluable insights on how to fine-tune communication skills to not only direct your product’s path but also to align it with your company’s overarching mission.

As we peer into the crystal ball of product and technology leadership, the convergence of CTO and CPO roles into the hybrid CPTO emerges as a major trend. We dissect what’s driving this shift and the implications it has on decision-making within organizations. With Tami’s rich experience guiding us, we examine the art of saying “no,” the synergy between product managers and their customers, and the pivotal decisions that shape the future of companies. Thank you for joining us on this thought-provoking expedition into the heart of product management and leadership. We’re grateful for your listenership and can’t wait to bring you along for more compelling conversations.

More about Tami:


00:46 Introduction and Guest Presentation

02:07 Tami’s Journey into Product Management

03:52 The Art of Asking Questions in Product Management

06:51 Balancing Short-term and Long-term Goals

11:25 The Role of Authority in Product Management

16:33 Enhancing Communication Skills for Product Managers

19:22 Conflict Management and Decision Making in Product Management

28:31 The Importance of Adaptability and Team Success

28:53 The Role of a Product Manager

29:17 The Power of Storytelling in Product Management

31:51 Transitioning to a Product Leader Role

32:19 The Core Skills of a Chief Product Officer

35:52 The Importance of Financial Acumen in Product Leadership

41:43 The Intersection of Product and Technology Leadership

47:09 The Role of Decision Making in Product Management

48:22 Connecting with Tami

50:22 The Impact of the CTO Show

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